
Friday, June 26, 2015

Lego Jurassic World Complete Red Brick Guide

Find and Unlock all of the red bricks in Lego Jurassic World

We present you with the most comprehensive guide to unlocking all of the Red Bricks in Lego Jurassic World including any hard to find prerequisites you may need including the Dinosaurs.  One requirement that we ask is that you have already finished the game because some of the characters you will need can be obtained just by finishing the game. Please comment and let me know if we're missing anything or if there is anything you would like to see added.

Table of Content (click on any link to go straight to that part of the page.)

How to buy Red Bricks

Red Bricks
Score Stud Multiplier x2
Score Stud Multiplier x4
Score Stud Multiplier x6
Score Stud Multiplier x8
Score Stud Multiplier x10
Minikit Detector
Red Brick Detector
Gold Brick Detector
Amber Brick Detector
Fast Build
Attract Studs
Collect Ghost Studs
Compy Mode
Destroy on Contact
8-bit Music
Nedry Disguises
Fast Interact
Hybrid Disguises
Helium Voices

Indominus Rex

About Us

Where to purchase the Red Bricks

Once you get your red bricks you may not actually know where to go purchase them so here is a quick video to show you where to go.

The Red Brick Guide

Stud Score Multiplier x2
Cost: $1,000,000 Studs
Location: Jurassic Park 1
Prerequisites:  You will have all of the characters you need upon completing the game.

Stud Score Multiplier x4
Cost: $2,000,000
Location:  Jurassic Park 2
Prerequisites:  T-Rex or Indominus Rex.  The Video to get the Indominus Rex is here.  Also, you will need to purchase Gyrosphere.  You can purchase it at the vehicle station you see in the video.

Stud Score Multiplier x6
Cost: $3,000,000
Location: Jurassic Park 3
Prerequisites: Pteranodon.  The video to get the Pteranodon is here.

Stud Score Multiplier x8
Cost: $4,000,000
Location:  Jurassic Park 1
Prerequisites: Pachycephalosaurus and somebody that can see in the dark.  If you have finished the game you have already unlocked a character that can see in the dark.  The video to unlock the pachycephalosaurus is here.

Stud Score Multiplier x10
Cost: $5,000,000
Location: Jurassic World
Prerequisites:  Indominus Rex.  You can get watch video to get Indominus Rex by click the link right here.

Cost: $5,000,000
Location:  Jurassic World
Prerequisites:  Pteranodon (pterodactyl).  You can see the video on how to get the Pteranodon by clicking the link here.

Minikit Detector
Cost: $200,000
Location:  Jurassic World
Prerequisites:  Dilophosaurus.  Click this link to see how to unlock the Dilophosaurus.

Red Brick Detector
Cost: $200,000
Location:  Jurassic Park 1
Prerequisites:   Indominus Rex.  You can get to the the video to get Indominus Rex by click the link right here.

Gold Brick Detector
Cost: $200,000
Location:  Jurassic Park 2
Prerequisites:  Velociraptor.  You can see the video on how to get the Velociraptor by clicking the link here.

Amber Brick Detector
Cost: $200,000
Location:  Jurassic Park 3
Prerequisites:  You have all of the characters you need for the Red Brick upon completing the game.

Fast Build
Cost: $100,000
Location:  Jurassic Park 3
Prerequisites:  Compsognathus or you can use the Compy Mode Red Brick.  To get the compsognathus follow the link here.

Attract Studs
Cost: $100,000
Location:  Jurassic Park 1
Prerequisites:  Compsognathus or you can use the Compy Mode Red Brick.  To get the compsognathus follow the link here.

Collect Ghost Studs
Cost: $100,000
Location:  Jurassic World
Prerequisites:  T-Rex or Indominus Rex.  The Video to get the Indominus Rex is here.  Also, you will need to purchase Gyrosphere.  You can purchase it at the vehicle station you see in the video.

Compy Mode
Cost: $100,000
Location:  Jurassic World
Prerequisites:  Mosasaurus or what I thought was the megalodon.  To see how to get the mosasaurus you can click the link here.

Destroy on Contact
Cost: $100,000
Location:  Jurassic World
Prerequisites:  Velociraptor.  You can see the video on how to get the Velociraptor by clicking the link here.

8-bit Music
Cost: $100,000
Location:  Jurassic Park 1
Prerequisites: Dilophosaurus.  Click this link to see how to unlock the Dilophosaurus.

Nedry Disguises
Cost: $100,000
Location:  Jurassic Park 1
Prerequisites:  You will have all of the characters you need once you complete the game.

Fast Interact
Cost: $100,000
Location:  Jurassic World
Prerequisites:  A dinosaur that can destroy orange rocks by screaming.  The T-Rex or Indominus Rex can do this and the video to get the Indominus Rex is here.  You will also need the Dilophosaurus.  Click this link to see how to unlock the Dilophosaurus.

Hybrid Disguises
Cost: $100,000
Location:  Jurassic Park 1
Prerequisites:  Velociraptor.  You can see the video on how to get the Velociraptor by clicking the link here.

Helium Voices
Cost: $100,000
Location:  Jurassic Park 2
Prerequisites:  Baby triceratops.  I believe you have this dinosaur upon game completion.  If I'm wrong please comment below and I'll correct this error.


Indominus Rex
Here is how to get the Indominus Rex Amber Brick

Here is how to get the Pteranodon (pterodactyl) Amber Brick

Here is how to get the Pacycephalosaurus Amber Brick

Here is how to get the Velociraptor Amber Brick

Here is how to get the Dilophosaurus Amber Brick

Here is how to get the Mosasaurus Amber Brick

About Us

First and foremost, let me introduce myself.  My name is Eric AKA, Phmundacheese.  Recording video games is actually the brain child of one of my sons who you will also hear in the videos.  His name is Levi, also known as Cookiedoooh.  He along with Logan, SupermanLogan21, and a few guest visits from my 4 year old Luke helped me create this video guides.  

Please follow us any of the following social media platforms.
Twitter:  @Phmundacheese or

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